POP3 Check for Email

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POP3 Check for Email

Checks to see if email exists on a POP3 server that you specify. For example, you can create a task that checks e-mail in the morning and the evening automatically for you, thus minimizing distractions during your work day.






POP3 Server

Enter the POP3 server for e-mail.



Enter the port number. The default port number is 110.



Select this checkbox if you want to use SSL connection.




InternetCheckEmail2 InternetCheckEmail3


Authorization is possible in two modes:

Username / password – classic password-based authorization

OAuth authorization


Username / Password

Enter the username and password explicitly or using variables.


OAuth Authorization

OAuth authorization parameters are shared for all email actions. In the action editor, simply select the desired set by name. Using variables to form the name is allowed.


Edit OAuth Parameters

To edit authorization parameters, open the OAuth account editor. This same editor is opened when editing plugin settings.


Stop this Task if

Enter whether you want the current task to do one of the following before e-mail is downloaded from the mail server:

Mail is Waiting - stops the task if mail is on the mail server.

Mail is Not Waiting - stops the task if mail is not on the mail server.


Assign variable

Specify the name of the variable to store TRUE or FALSE


note Related Topics

OAuth parameters editor

POP3 Open

POP3 Close

POP3 Mail Loop

POP3 Download Email

POP3 Delete Email

POP3 Messages Count

Parse Email


IMAP Close

IMAP Select Mail Folder

IMAP Mail Loop

IMAP Download Message

IMAP Get Message Flags

IMAP Set Message Flags

IMAP Delete Marked Messages

IMAP Move Message

IMAP Folder Info

SMTP Send Email