INI loop

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INI loop

Loops through all sections or parameters in the specified INI file. This action allows you to read all values whose names are not known beforehand.


The action can operate in one of two modes:

1. Loop by sections. In this mode, at each iteration, the action saves the next section name to the specified variable.

2. Loop by the values in the specified section. In this mode, at each iteration, the action saves the next name and the parameter value to the specified variables.




INI file name

The full path to the file or file name in the current folder (please see Set Current Folder action).


Save section name to variable

Specify a variable name to store the section name




Section name

Specify the name of the section where you want to list the values


Save key name to variable

Specify a variable name to store the key (or parameter) name


Save key value to variable

Specify a variable name to store the key (or parameter) value.



note Related Topics

INI read value

INI write value

INI delete value

INI delete section