Full list of system variables

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Full list of system variables

Example of usageDescription


{ActiveRTConnections}Returns active RoboTask connections as JSON
{Add(17,8)}Adds the specified numbers
{AddressOnly(John Smith <j.smith@mydomain.com>)}Returns address only from full address
{AltKeyState}Returns ALT key state (True of False)
{Asc(©)}Returns ASCII code of specified character.
{AutomationStatus}Returns automation status of RoboTask (TRUE or FALSE)
{BatteryLife}The number of seconds of battery life remaining.
{BatteryPower}The percentage of full battery charge remaining.
{CapsLockState}Checks CapsLock state
{Chr(169)}Returns the symbol with specified ASCII code.
{ClipBoardContent}Clipboard content as Text
{CommaSeparatedToText("item 1","item 2","item 3")}Converts comma-separated string to multiline text
{ComputerName}Computer name
{CPULoad}CPU load in percent
{CtrlKeyState}Returns CTRL key state (True of False)
{CurrentSessionId}Returns current session ID
{CurrentWindowCaption}Returns the title (caption) of current active window
{CurrentWindowClass}Returns the class name of current active window
{CurrentWindowHandle}Returns the handle of current active window
{Date}Current date (**)
{DateIncDays(-7)}Current date ± number of days
{DateTime}Current date & time
{DateTimeToFormat({Date},yyyy-mm-dd)}Returns formatted date and time in specified format (*)
{Day}Current day (**)
{DayOfTheYear({Date})}Returns the day of the year of specified or current date
{DayOfWeek}Current day of week (**)
{DayOfWeekNo}Current day of week number (**)
{DefaultPrinter}Default printer
{DiskLoad(c:\)}Returns the disk load in percents
{Divide(36,5)}Divides the first number by the second
{DocumentsDir}Returns user documents folder
{DownloadsDir}Returns user downloads folder
{EnvironmentVar(Path)}Get environment variable
{Eol}End of line
{ExpandEnvironmentString(%temp%)}Expands environment string
{ExtractFileDrive(C:\Folder\File.ext)}Extracts file drive from full path
{ExtractFileExt(C:\Folder\File.ext)}Extracts file extension from full path
{ExtractFileName(C:\Folder\File.ext)}Extracts file name from full path
{ExtractFileNameNoExt(C:\Folder\File.ext)}Extracts file name without extension
{ExtractFilePath(C:\Folder\File.ext)}Extracts file path from full path
{ExtractFilePathNoDrive(C:\Folder\File.ext)}Extracts file path from root folder
{FileAttributes(C:\AUTOEXEC.BAT)}Returns attributes of file as string, like this: "AHRS"
{FileCreateTime(c:\autoexec.bat)}Date and time of file creation
{FileExists({TempDir}\file.tmp)}Check file existence
{FileLastAccessTime(c:\autoexec.bat)}Date and time of the last file access
{FilesCount({TempDir})}Returns the amount of files in specified folder
{FileSize(c:\autoexec.bat)}File size in bytes
{FileTime(c:\autoexec.bat)}Returns the time of last update of the file
{FolderExists({TempDir})}Checks folder existence
{FoldersCount({TempDir})}Returns the amount of folders in specified folder
{FolderSize({TempDir})}Returns the total size of files in specified folder (in bytes)
{FolderTime({TempDir})}Returns the time of last update of the folder
{FormatToDateTime(2014-02-19,yyyy-mm-dd)}Returns standard date and time from formatted string (*)
{FreeDiskSpace(c:)}Free disk space in bytes
{GetCurrentFolder}Returns full path of current folder
{GetTaskCurrentStatus(<ExtName>)}Returns task status as number by ID or External name. 0-Manual, 1-Idle, 2-Busy, 3-Running, 4-Stopping
{GetTaskExtNameById({TaskId})}Returns the task external name by task ID
{GetTaskIdByExtName({TaskExtName})}Returns the task ID by external name
{GetTaskLastError(<ExtName>)}Returns last task error message by external name or task ID
{GetTaskLastFinish(<ExtName>)}Returns last task finish time by external name or task ID
{GetTaskLastStartReason(<ExtName>)}Returns the task last start reason by external name or task ID
{GetTaskLastStartTime(<ExtName>)}Returns the task last start time by external name or task ID
{GetTaskLastSuccess(<ExtName>)}Returns last task finish state by external name or task ID. 0 - not started, 1 - success, 2 - not success
{GetTaskLastSuccessFinish(<ExtName>)}Returns last success finish time by external name or task ID
{GetTaskResult(<ExtName>)}Returns the result of task execution by external name or task ID
{GMTDateTime({DateTime})}Returns GMT date and time
{GMTOffset}Returns the difference between local time and GMT
{GMTtoLocal({GMTDateTime({DateTime})})}Returns the local time from GMT
{Hours}Current hours (**)
{HttpClientIP}Returns client's IP address. Works only with the "WebSocket Server HTTP On Request" trigger.
{HttpCookie(CookieName)}Returns the cookie value of an HTTP request. Works only with the "WebSocket Server HTTP On Request" trigger.
{HttpFilename}Returns the file name of an HTTP request. Works only with the "WebSocket Server HTTP On Request" trigger.
{HttpHeader(Header-Name)}Returns the header of an HTTP request. Works only with the "WebSocket Server HTTP On Request" trigger.
{HttpMethod}Returns the method of an HTTP request (GET, POST, etc.). Works only with the "WebSocket Server HTTP On Request" trigger.
{HttpPath}Returns the path of an HTTP request. Works only with the "WebSocket Server HTTP On Request" trigger.
{HttpPostBody}Returns the post body of an HTTP request. Works only with the "WebSocket Server HTTP On Request" trigger.
{HttpPostParam(ParamName)}Returns the post parameter value of an HTTP request. Works only with the "WebSocket Server HTTP On Request" trigger.
{HttpQuery}Returns the query string of an HTTP request. Works only with the "WebSocket Server HTTP On Request" trigger.
{HttpQueryParam(ParamName)}Returns the query parameter value of an HTTP request. Works only with the "WebSocket Server HTTP On Request" trigger.
{HttpRAWHeaders}Returns RAW headers of an HTTP request. Works only with the "WebSocket Server HTTP On Request" trigger.
{IncDays(-1)}Current day ± number of days
{IncMonths(-1)}Current month ± number of months
{IncYears(-1)}Current year ± number of years
{IPAddress({ComputerName})}Returns IP address by computer name
{IsError}Returns "True" when error occurred at previous step
{IsFileFree(c:\autoexec.bat)}Checks file for free access
{IsProcessExists(notepad.exe)}Checks existence of process in memory
{IsWindowActive(Notepad)}Check if the window is active
{IsWindowHidden(Notepad)}Returns "True" if window invisible
{IsWindowMaximized(Notepad)}Returns "True" if window maximized
{IsWindowMinimized(Notepad)}Returns "True" if window minimized
{IsWindowVisible(Notepad)}Returns "True" if window visible
{IsWSClientActive(ID)}Returns if WebSocket client is active
{IsWSServerActive(ID)}Returns if WebSocket server is active
{LastDateOfTheMonth({Date})}Returns the last date of the month of specified date
{LastErrorCode}Error code. Parameter of error handling task.
{LastErrorDescription}Error description. Parameter of error handling task.
{LastErrorStep}Error step number. Parameter of error handling task.
{LastErrorTaskExternalName}External name of error task.  Parameter of error handling task.
{LastErrorTaskID}Error task ID. Parameter of error handling task.
{LastErrorTaskName}Error task name. Parameter of error handling task.
{LogFileName}Log file name (only works in the context of a task)
{LogFolder}Folder of logs
{LowerCase(Sample String)}Converts a string to lowercase.
{MemoryLoad}Memory load in percent
{Minutes}Current minutes (**)
{MonitorCount}Number of Monitors
{MonthIncDays(-1)}Current month ± number of days
{MonthName}Current month name (**)
{MonthNo}Current month number (**)
{MouseLeftBtn}The status of LEFT mouse button
{MouseMiddleBtn}The status of MIDDLE mouse button
{MouseRightBtn}The status of RIGHT mouse button
{MouseX}X-pos of mouse pointer
{MouseY}Y-pos of mouse pointer
{mSeconds}Current milliseconds
{Multiply(3,4)}Multiplies the specified numbers
{NumLockState}Checks NumLock state
{OnBattery}True - if computer on battery; False - power is online
{PicturesDir}Returns user pictures folder
{PrinterList}List of printers as multiline text
{ProcessID}Self process ID of RoboTask
{RandomString(32)}Returns random string of the specified length (default length 32)
{RandomValue(1000)}Returns random integer value between 0 and parameter (default 1000)
{RoboTaskVersion}Returns RoboTask product version
{ScreenBottom(0)}Bottom edge of specified screen
{ScreenH(0)}Height of specified screen
{ScreenHeight(0)}Height of specified screen
{ScreenLeft(0)}Left edge of specified screen
{ScreenRight(0)}Right edge of specified screen
{ScreenTop(0)}Top edge of specified screen
{ScreenW(0)}Width of specified screen
{ScreenWidth(0)}Width of specified screen
{ScrollLockState}Checks ScrollLock state
{Seconds}Current seconds (**)
{ShiftKeyState}Returns SHIFT key state (True of False)
{ShortDayOfWeek}Current day of week short name (**)
{ShortMonthName}Current month short name (**)
{ShortYear}Two-digits current year (**)
{ShortYearIncDays(-1)}Two-digits current year ± number of days
{StartTaskCause}Reason for running task as JSON expression (works only in the task context). Variable contains these fields: computerName, description, name, remote, taskId, triggerId
{StartTime}RoboTask start date and time
{StrLength(Sample String)}Returns the length of specified string.
{Subtract(24,7)}Subtracts the second number from the first
{SystemDir}Windows system directory
{TaskCategoryID}Category ID of current task (only works in the context of a task)
{TaskComment}Task comment (only works in the context of a task)
{TaskExtName}External name of current task (only works in the context of a task)
{TaskFileByID({TaskId})}Task filename by ID
{TaskFileName}Task file name (only works in the context of a task)
{TaskFolder}Folder of tasks
{TaskID}ID of current task (only works in the context of a task)
{TaskLogFileById({TaskId})}Task log filename by ID
{TaskName}Name of current task (only works in the context of a task)
{TaskStatus}Returns task status as number (works only in task context). For internal use
{TempDir}Temporary directory
{TextFile(file_name)}Contents of text file
{TextFileANSI(file_name)}Reads the text file as ANSI text and returns the text
{TextFileUNICODE(file_name)}Reads the text file as UNICODE text and returns the text
{TextFileUTF8(file_name)}Reads the text file as UTF8 text and returns the text
{TextToCommaSeparated(Line 1{EOL}Line 2)}Converts multi-line text to comma separated string
{Time}Current time (**)
{TotalDiskSpace(c:\)}Returns the total size of specified disk (in bytes)
{UniqueFileName({TempDir}\*.tmp)}Returns unique random file name by the mask
{UpperCase(Sample String)}Converts a string to uppercase.
{UpTime}Up time of RoboTask
{UrlFilename(URL)}Return the file name of a specified URL
{UrlHost(URL)}Returns the host of a specified URL
{UrlPath(URL)}Returns the path of a specified URL
{UrlPort(URL)}Returns the port of a specified URL
{UrlProtocol(URL)}Returns the protocol of a specified URL
{UrlQuery(URL)}Returns the query part of a specified URL
{UrlQueryParam(URL, ParamName)}Returns the query parameter value of a specified URL
{UserName}User name
{UTF8Decode(<Put UTF8 string here>)}Decodes string from UTF8 format
{UTF8Encode(Привіт світ!)}Encodes string to UTF8 format
{ValidFileName(c:\"My<Invalid:File*Name>.txt")}Returns valid file name
{ValidVariableName(Some wrong String)}Returns valid variable name from custom string
{VolumeLabel(c:\)}Returns the label of specified volume
{WeekOfTheYear({Date})}Returns the week of the year of specified or current date
{WinDir}Windows directory
{WindowCaption({CurrentWindowHandle})}Returns the title (caption) of specified window handle
{WindowClass({CurrentWindowHandle})}Returns the class name of specified window handle
{WindowExists(Notepad)}Check window existence
{WinKeyState}Returns WIN key state (True of False)
{WorkingSet({ProcessID})}Memory working set of process (KBytes)
{Year}Current year (**)
{YearIncDays(-1)}Current year ± number of days




(*) Format options for format variables:

d Displays the day as a number without a leading zero (1-31).
ddDisplays the day as a number with a leading zero (01-31).
mmDisplays the month as a number with a leading zero (01-12). If the mm specifier immediately follows an h or hh specifier, the minute rather than the month is displayed.
yyDisplays the year as a two-digit number (00-99).
yyyyDisplays the year as a four-digit number (0000-9999).
hDisplays the hour without a leading zero (0-23).
hhDisplays the hour with a leading zero (00-23).
nDisplays the minute without a leading zero (0-59).
nnDisplays the minute with a leading zero (00-59).
sDisplays the second without a leading zero (0-59).
ssDisplays the second with a leading zero (00-59).
am/pmUses the 12-hour clock for the preceding h or hh specifier, and displays 'am' for any hour before noon, and 'pm' for any hour after noon. The am/pm specifier can use lower, upper, or mixed case, and the result is displayed accordingly.
a/pUses the 12-hour clock for the preceding h or hh specifier, and displays 'a' for any hour before noon, and 'p' for any hour after noon. The a/p specifier can use lower, upper, or mixed case, and the result is displayed accordingly.


(**) The following variables can accept a date-time parameter in the current system format

If the parameter is not specified, then the current date and time is assumed.
















For example, if you need to determine the day of the week 3 days ago, then use the expression: {DayOfWeek({DateIncDays(-3)})}