Command Line Parameters

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Command Line Parameters


Command-line options for RoboTask.EXE:



Start RoboTask with full rights. For operating systems with UAC (i.e. Windows Vista and later).



Register built-in COM server in your system.



Unregister built-in COM server from your system.



Command-line options for RTServiceGuard.exe



Install RoboTask service



Remove RoboTask service



Command-line option for InputRegKey.EXE:


activate <your_actual_license_key>

Silent activation if no error. Otherwise it shows the alert with error message.


Command-line option for RoboTaskRuntime.exe

The runtime module is designed to run a prepared task without the main RoboTask application. However, the Runtime module uses the entire engine to run the task.


RoboTaskRuntime.exe <Task_File_Name> [/stop|/nonstop] [/out:<full_file_name>] [/taskparam:<task_parameters>]


Command line parameters:

<Task_File_Name> - full name of task file

/stop - (optional) if you want to stop the application before exiting anyway to read the log

/nonstop - (optional) the application is forced to continue running and exit even if the task stops with an error. In this case, it is better to write the log to a file (see the /out: parameter)

/out - (optional) output task execution log to a file

/taskparam - (optional) task parameters


Read more in chapter Runtime Module