HTTP encode / decode

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HTTP encode / decode

The action allows encoding (and decoding) any text (or string) for use in HTTP requests. The reason is that HTTP requests do not allow the use of certain characters.

For example:

Spaces, TAB characters

End-of-line characters

Non-ASCII characters. That is, with a code greater than 127

Some other characters. For example, square and curly brackets


Such encoding is also useful when using the Runtime Module to pass parameters to a running task.

The encoding principle is quite simple:

Invalid characters are encoded with the combination %NN, where NN is the character code in hexadecimal form.

The % character is encoded as %%.


When encoding, you will get a string without spaces and other invalid characters. When decoding, you will get the original string (or multiline text).




Source text

Enter the source text to be processed



Encoding direction:




Save result to variable

Enter the variable name in which to save the result.



note Related Topics

Value converter

Value format

Encode to BASE64

Decode from BASE64