Question re: Executing a task directly + locking task files

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Question re: Executing a task directly + locking task files

Post by misery »

Hi Oleg, I have 2 specific questions:

1) This is likely a stupid question, but is it possible to run a task file (.tsk) without having RoboTask installed? For example, if I want to send the .tsk file to a friend, must they then install RoboTask, open RoboTask, click File>Import, then manually run the task? Is there any easier method?

2) Is it possible to lock .tsk files so others can't see the code? For example, if I spend many hours creating a complex, highly effective .tsk file that has potential to be sold for profit, somebody could simply open the file and see the "guts" of the task. Is there a way to block this with a password? (I'm not referring to locking the work station).

Thanks so much.
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