'Pack files' - folder structure within new archive

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'Pack files' - folder structure within new archive

Post by Lana_K »


I am having problem controlling folder structure when zipping folders. For some reason Robotask packs in the whole folder structure from drive root.

For example, lets say I am working in d:\Folder Level 1\Folder Level 2\Folder Level 3\, and in there I have a 'Folder To Pack', containing non-empty 'Subfolder1' and 'Subfolder2' plus some loose files in the 'Folder To Pack' itself.
And I want to pack only the 'Folder To Pack' with all its subfolders and files but not previous levels.
So, I cannot untick the 'Include subfolders' option (my task execution aborts if I do that anyway, but this is subject for another RCA).
But when 'Include subfolders' is selected I get all folder structure from 'Folder Level 1' within the archive.

Is there a way to finetune this?

Thank you.

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Re: 'Pack files' - folder structure within new archive

Post by Oleg »

Use such algorithm:
- Set current folder d:\Folder Level 1\Folder Level 2\Folder Level 3
- Pack files *.* with subfolders

But please note that Pack files action changes current folder for RoboTask application, not for the task only
Oleg Yershov
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Re: 'Pack files' - folder structure within new archive

Post by Lana_K »

Thank you for the useful tip, Oleg. It worked.

Although I am not sure I understood your warning "Pack files action changes current folder for RoboTask application, not for the task only". All other tasks I have still work fine and use the same folders as before. Could you, please, explain in a little bit more details what exactly in the application is affected by this action?

Also, I am having another problem with 'Pack files'. The system I am supporting refuses to ingest the resulting zips with the error message '(No such file or directory)' referring to subfolders in the zip. I tried both 'Normal' and 'None' compression options with exactly the same result. And this does not happen if I archive the same folder produced by Robotask using another archiver available to me (for example, the archiver built into Ghisler's Total Commander). Is there something different about the way Robotask zips the files, especially subfolders?

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Re: 'Pack files' - folder structure within new archive

Post by Oleg »

Could you, please, explain in a little bit more details what exactly in the application is affected by this action?
The current folder of the application. Application can have only one current folder in the system. Total commander has two panels with different folders. But when you select any panel Total Commander make active corresponding folder.

You can pack files C:\level1\level2\lever3\myfolder\*.* from any folder. In this case ZIP file will contain the folder structure from the root folder of the drive. That is level1\level2\lever3\myfolder\ and files and subfolders

Another way:
You can set current folder C:\level1\level2\lever3 and pack files myfolder\*.* In this case ZIP files will contain only myfolder with files and subfolders

3-d way:
You can set current folder C:\level1\level2\lever3\myfolder and pack files *.* In this case ZIP files will contain only files and subfolders of myfolder folder

Probably the problem is somewhere here. I don't know what folder structure do you need for your system
Oleg Yershov
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Re: 'Pack files' - folder structure within new archive

Post by Lana_K »

Thank you for the explanation, Oleg.

The puzzling thing is that when I view internal structure of the archive created by Robotask, all files and subfolders are there, and named and packed correctly - the tip you gave me indeed worked brilliantly. That is why I cannot see why the system cannot find subfolders or whatever it complaints about - I can see them being there.
I think I need to ask the system's developers, give them 2 archives to compare and ask to tell me what prevents the ingestion of the archives created by Robotask.

When they investigate, I'll probably have more questions, because I am determined to make this work

Thank you.
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Re: 'Pack files' - folder structure within new archive

Post by OldGeek »

Thank you for clearing this up for everyone
Windows 11 Pro, RoboTask v10.0.2
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