Getting Started in the RoboTask Window

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Getting Started in the RoboTask Window


The following information introduces you to the RoboTask main window.



To learn about the RoboTask window, click buttons or other items, such as the panes, in the following picture.




Shortcut Menus


If you select a task in the Task Name column and right-click, the following commands appear on the shortcut menu:

Enabled - Allows the task to start automatically when a triggering event in the task occurs.

New -  Creates a new task.

Edit - Modifies the task that you select.

Delete - Removes a task.

Run - Starts a task.

Stop - Ends a task.

Duplicate - Copies a task. This is useful if you want to create a new task quickly and then modify it.

Create Shortcut - Adds a shortcut to the task on your desktop. This is useful if you want to quickly start a task without opening RoboTask.


If you point to the Log pane and right-click, the following commands appear on the shortcut menu:

Clear Log - Removes all messages from the Log pane.

Copy Selected to Clipboard - Copies the lines that you have selected in the Log pane and places them on the Windows Clipboard.

Open current log in text editor -You can open the current log in a text editor for analysis and searching of records. You will be prompted to choose a text editor. The default is the system NOTEPAD.EXE.

Select All - Selects all the lines in the Log pane so that you can quickly copy them.


note Related Topics

Create Tasks

Run Tasks

Edit Tasks

Customize RoboTask