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Using variables for email attachment name

Posted: Wed Jun 30, 2004 2:48 pm
by Brendan
I don't seem to be having any luck with it.  Specifically, I'm zipping a number of files into a zip using today's date, in MMDDYY form, as the file name.  What I'm really trying to do is to email that .zip file.  I have also tried naming the attachment ...\*.zip (it is the only zip file in the directory, but Robotask still aborts, stating that the specified file can't be found.
Does anyone know if I'm just missing something, or can email options not yet use the variables?  If so, are there any workarounds?

Using variables for email attachment name

Posted: Fri Jul 02, 2004 4:06 am
by Oleg
This bug is fixed now. Wait for next version please.