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date filter and file loop

Posted: Tue Apr 15, 2008 5:57 am
by Jambondeau
I want to write a task which looks for files older than 'x' days. So I want to use a variable in the date filter tab of the file loop. I tried to put a variable in the 'older then .... days'. When I press OK and reopen the file loop to edit, then the variable has disappeared.This task is supposed to proces directories from an sql table. 'older than ... days' is also one of the fields of the table.

date filter and file loop

Posted: Thu Apr 17, 2008 1:51 am
by Oleg
You can use the following algorythm

File loop //without filters and
             //save filetime into c_date variable
   if {c_date} < {DateIncDays(-{MyVar})} then
   do something
   end if
end loop

variable MyVar must contain some integer value (days)