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Please help for FTP File Loop Function

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 3:22 am
by gunta
The background : I want to create the task for transfer the files with *.stdf , *.data and *.summary other files don't want to transfer the file are under /tester folder to local folder c:/tester This task have to check the file are in the local already or not (compare with file name and file size and file date) if it the new replace the file. after transfer the files I want to delete the file in FTP Server.    I am new for the Robotask. I want to create the task for transfer the
only extension (*.stdf, *.summary, *.data) under /tester from FTP
server. I try to use FTP File loop function but it can't use this
condition  (*.stdf, *.data, *.summary) for select the file. How can i
select the file by using this condition.Also I try to use the synchronization but i don't know how delete the file in the FTP Server because i can't record the list of the file that transfer to the local by synchronization function.Help me please.