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Turn Text Into Robotask Key Inputs?

Posted: Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:22 pm
by Vego
Hi Oleg,This seems possible, but I wanted to put it out there to you. Basically I want to read a text value from a .txt file and convert that text value to Robotask individual key inputs as a way to navigate to the proper value in a database drop down list. I.e.:1. Open ".txt" file that contains a text value i.e. "happy"2. Create temporary Robotask script that translates the word into specific send key inputs "{h},{a},{p},{p},{y}"3. Delete the temporary Robotask scriptI didn't see anything in the forums relating to this, is this possible?Thanks,Sam

Turn Text Into Robotask Key Inputs?

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 12:56 am
by Oleg
Why do you want to translate the string into such key sequence? You may simply sent the word "happy" as keystroke sequence.
Also, I haven't understood why do you need a temporary task?

You can do the following:

Read the string
Translate the string
send keystrokes

I think than you should use basic script for string translation. I can write an example, if needed.

Turn Text Into Robotask Key Inputs?

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 4:54 pm
by Vego
Hi Ivo,Hmm, I was getting tripped up on reading the string part from a .txt file and translating it into key strokes. Basically I need to be able to read a string from a .txt file, navigate to a drop down list in a database and input the read value as keystrokes so I can navigate to that value in the drop down list.An example script of this magick you speak of would be helpful, and probabaly far easier:)Thanks,Sam

Turn Text Into Robotask Key Inputs?

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 5:25 am
by Oleg
I want to know more detail about your task in order to give you an example.

What criteria of the string which you want to exatract? Or, maybe, do you want to read the whole file sequentially line by line?

Turn Text Into Robotask Key Inputs?

Posted: Sun Jan 07, 2007 1:33 pm
by Vego
No problem.Basically I have individual folders that contain web data/page/s and in each folder I have a meta.txt file that contains information to be put into my database. On each line in the meta.txt file I have 6 one or two word descriptors  that are referenced for populating the six correspond drop down fields for the new record being created in my database. I.e.

Long Term

All of the values listed above are available for input into the database fields.What I want to do is:1. Create a new record in my database (Done)2. Read the first line in the meta.txt file 3. Tab to the drop down field in the database4. Key in the value read from the text file into this field5. Return to the meta.txt file read the next value, etc.Note: the values in the database list are not editable for the people I will be giving this script to, which is why I am trying to automate the filling out of these fields for them.

Turn Text Into Robotask Key Inputs?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 5:52 am
by lonnie16
Wow, that sure "sounded" like common server side scripting to be done by the likes of: php -or- vbscript -or- javascript . . .
( I could be wrong. )

Turn Text Into Robotask Key Inputs?

Posted: Mon Jan 08, 2007 8:59 pm
by Vego
True enough, but we have people working over here with chisels
and stone tablets. :)Getting Robo to be able to do this means we can apply it to a variety middle ware database like software.~Sam

Turn Text Into Robotask Key Inputs?

Posted: Tue Jan 09, 2007 2:40 am
by Oleg
You may use sql query action such as "Insert into mytable values (...)".

Why you want to use third-party software to add (or edit) some records in database. Also you want to use a very unreliable way via sending keystrokes. You can do this directly.

This is a approximate algorithm for one text file:

Text loop
   SQL query (insert into ...)
end loop

You can find your texts by "File loop" action:

File loop
   Text Loop // on each file
      SQL query // on each line of file
   end loop
end loop

Turn Text Into Robotask Key Inputs?

Posted: Thu Jan 11, 2007 9:24 pm
by Vego
Thank you Oleg, we'll give it a try to see if we can get it to work.Basically we're not running a database in MySQL, it's more like a FileMaker database in the type of data entry that is being done. This is part of scripting mundane tasks that our user have to do with physically moving content around and doing data input based on that type of content, which is slightly different each time.Cheers,Sam