Copy the list of task variables to clipboard

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Copy the list of task variables to clipboard

Post by Lana_K »

For the window which lists task's local variables, I think, it would be useful to have an option to copy all variables to clipboard.
Clipboard01.jpg (31.3 KiB) Viewed 39616 times
I have tasks with over 50 local variables and maintaining notes for such tasks becomes increasingly more difficult - I can easily omit some of them. As a part of my notes I include a brief description of each variable used in the task. From experience, keeping notes (as well as comments between the steps) is very important for when I need to modify a task after some time.
Either a button to copy the list to clipboard, or an option to select all and copy manually (using Ctrl+C), or maybe even exporting into a txt file would be very helpful.
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Re: Copy the list of task variables to clipboard

Post by Oleg »

I wrote this into our ToDo. We'll discuss it.
Oleg Yershov
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