New user, hello

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New user, hello

Post by photoevents »

Good morning on this first day of a new year.

Wishing all of you the best.

I bought robotask last week and started delving into it.
I"'m coming from winautomation and find a lot of similarities, which is good.
Just a few questions to support my learning path.
Is there a step by step debug mode in robotask?
Like I used to step live through my scripts in winautomation and could check variables and other output which made it really easy to find errors.
Is the file monitor working with windows states or is it, I suspect, rather a loop that checks every x seconds for new files?
You cannot compile scripts, but a runtime is provided. What are your experiences with distributing scripts to other users ?
Are there other places to look for tutorials than the one I found on this site which is a bit limited?

Thank you,
Christian (
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Re: New user, hello

Post by Oleg »

Is there a step by step debug mode in robotask?
... and could check variables and other ...
You can out necessary variables to the task log by using Log Message action
I suspect, rather a loop that checks every x seconds for new files?
Yes, because some file systems and OS have not notify about changes in folder. Direct periodic checking of the condition is the simplest and most reliable way.
You cannot compile scripts, but a runtime is provided. What are your experiences with distributing scripts to other users ?
You can use runtime module to run prepared task file on command line. You can install the RoboTask runtime module on client computer. It does not require additional license
Are there other places to look for tutorials than the one I found on this site which is a bit limited?
Online documentation
Additional task examples
and this forum
Oleg Yershov
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