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RoboTask 9.5 has been released

Posted: Tue Mar 14, 2023 6:39 pm
by Oleg
New version of RoboTask is ready for download. Download and try RoboTask 9.5 now

What's new in RoboTask 9.5:
[ + ] Feature added
[ - ] Bug fixed
[ * ] Modified or improved

+ New action "GoTo"
+ New action "Get File Hash"
+ Added metadata to tasks. This is necessary to collect statistics and save task state between RoboTask sessions.
+ New action "Custom Dialog". You can make a simple input dialog.
+ New variables:
  • {GetTaskLastError(<ExtName>)}
  • {GetTaskLastFinish(<ExtName>)}
  • {GetTaskLastSuccess(<ExtName>)}
  • {GetTaskLastSuccessFinish(<ExtName>)}
  • {GetTaskCurrentStatus(<ExtName>)}
+ Added function to open the current log in an external editor for analysis
+ Added option to Choice and Multi-choice dialogs: show dialog near text cursor (if possible)
* RoboTask prevents the task from being saved unless the task is actually changed.
* Changed the "Start Task" and "Start Remote Task" actions: the parent task can be stopped if the running task ends with an error
* Changed the task editor: added a list of recently used actions
* Many other small optimizations, improvements and bug fixes.

>>> Read full feature history here <<<