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How do I increment variables in loops

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2004 4:37 pm
by BrianSmith
I have created a File Loop and want to write to a text file each file name, file size and a number that increments for each file and displays like this:

1. Filename1.txt - 34567 bytes
2. Filename2.txt - 52958 bytes

How do I create a variable which I can increment inside the File Loop?

Also I would like to have another variable maintain the total bytes of all files listed.

I have the file name and file size writing to a text file but not sure how to do (+ - * /) to variables.

How do I increment variables in loops

Posted: Fri Apr 30, 2004 1:43 am
by AlexeySurkis
Please download and install the BASIC Plug-in. Then use the new Evaluate Expression action.