Count files only

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Count files only

Post by KeesB »

I need to just count files in the current directory. Is there an argument to FilesCount so it doesn't count files in sub folders?
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Count files only

Post by Oleg »

You are correct, {FileCount()} variable counts the amount of files in specified folder and all subfolders.
In order to count files in specified folder only use the File Loop:

Set variable num to 0
File Loop //without subfolders
   Increment num
End Loop

Probably we need to add corresponding system functions. I wrote this into our ToDo list.
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Re: Count files only

Post by Rukbunker »

Bumping up an old topic, because I still face this "problem" today ;) Ofcourse the workaround works, but it will be great if that can be fixed into a system variable.
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